How about this weather!!!!!! These cloudless September days afford some of the best riding weather of the year, except for the occasional cloud drenching rain like last Thursday. As a rule we as a club do not ride in lightning or rain.The shortening day light is shrinking our window of opportunity on the weekday rides.
Please note earlier starting times for Tuesday and Thursday rides – meet at 5:15 leave no later then 5:30. The Saturday ride still meets at 9:15 am at Bicycle Village. We want to thank our friends at Bicycle Village again for sponsoring the Saturday morning ride. I’m personally heading out the the Pacific NW tomorrow so we have Sandy leading the Thursday night Road Bike ride leaving from Amante’s. Patrick will lead the Tuesday Road Bike ride.
Thanks to all who have volunteered to lead rides this year— we couldn’t have done it with out you . No Mtn/hybrid Margarita ride this Thursday because of the Buff’s game! Go Buff’s!!! Thursday night Margarita ride will return on the 25th.
Coming up in October we hope to have a booth at the Veloswap. We are looking for volunteers to help with the booth. If your thinking about going and want to help out with the booth for an hour or two that would be great! We also need help with set up and teardown.
New website is getting close – thanks Eli and Marcus for working on that!
Enjoy the weather and get out there and RIDE!!!!!
Donald Cicchillo