Preseason Kickoff Party Big Success!!!

The 5th Annual Boulder Cycling Club’s Preseason Kickoff Party was a big success! We want to thank all our sponsors and especially Boulder Beer for hosting the party and Bicycle Village for donating great prizes including the Trek Cruiser Bike.

It was great to see lots of club members and all the new people who came to meet like minded cyclists. A big thanks also to all the volunteers who helped set up and tear down and worked all the different aspects making it a very smooth and enjoyable atmosphere for all who attended.

t was a great way to kick off the new season!

Donald C.
Boulder Cycling Club

Boulder Cycling Club Jerseys are now available for preorder. There has been a very positive response to this year’s jersey design which was previewed at the kick off party. So you can reserve and pay for yours online on the website for $55.00. We expect arrival by mid-May! The jerseys are being professionally produced by Primal Wear in Denver – one of the largest manufacturers of bike jerseys in the world If you signed up at the party as being interested in seeing a jersey you have a choice:

Either you can wait until mid May when the cost will be $60 or you can preorder now for $55. Go to the website and make your payment now! Remember we are a non profit and this is one of the ways we are raising funds for operation of the club.

Renew now online and get in on all the riding this year!


New Sunday Morning Ride! Join Andy and Kami as we roll out a Sunday Morning Ride this weekend March 13 meeting at Amante’s at 10:00 am. Remember this is the weekend that we move the clocks ahead so check your time Sunday morning. Route will be determined based on those participating. A big thanks to Andy and Kami for volunteering to lead this news Sunday Ride. Watch the calendar on the website for future schedule of the Sunday Morning Ride.

St. Patrick’s Day Ride – break out your Green Riding gear and join us for the first weekday ride of the season! Celebrate the time change, warmer weather and the Inaugural Women Only Ride!!! Meet at Boulder Beer at 5:30 pm. We will have 2 groups, one for the Women Only and another ride group for all that would like to join. Ride for approximately 1 and 1/2 hours taking different routes and meet back at Boulder Beer to celebrate St.Patrick’s Day!

Tuesday Evening Ride begins March 22 at 5:30 pm from Boulder Beer. Always a club favorite the Tuesday Evening Ride returns. Route to alternate weekly with loops to Eldora Springs and north to Niwot/ Northeast Boulder areas. Approximately 1 and 1/2 hour ride time meeting back at Boulder Beer for Food and Refreshments.

Saturday Morning Ride continues though-out out the year hosted by our good friends at Bicycle Village. Meet at Bicycle Village at 9:15 am and depart 9:30 am. Route varies weekly.

Remember we do not ride if it is Wet, (snow or rain), Windy, (10 plus mph winds), or Cold, (40 degrees or less).

Please check the BCC calendar on the website to time and location of rides.

Always check the before you go and the Ride Cancellation Policy if the weather is questionable. Please note that rides are cancelled if it is raining or lightening!


Lee Hill Drive will be CLOSED week of March 21 and week of April 4. NO ACCESS TO OLDE STAGE ROAD from City of Boulder….

“Boulder County has been working on improvements to Lee Hill Drive since the beginning of the year. Substantial work on the rock walls and drainage culverts will require two road closures over the next five weeks.

Monday, March 21 through Friday, March 25. Lee Hill Drive to be closed south of Wagon Wheel Gap Road (between Wagon Wheel and 4th Street) during daytime hours only (8:30 AM to 4:00 PM). Closure is to accommodate rock work on the hillside above the roadway along with rock-wall construction. No vehicles (including both bicycles and cars) will be allowed be allowed through the construction area. Wagon Wheel will remain accessible from the north

Monday, April 4 at 8:30am through end-of-day Wednesday, April 6. Lee Hill Drive to be closed north of Wagon Wheel Gap Road (between Wagon Wheel and Olde Stage Road) all day (24 hours). Closure is to allow for the replacement of a large drainage culvert north of Wagon Wheel. No vehicles (including both bicycles and cars) will be allowed access between Wagon Wheel Gap Road and Olde Stage Road. Wagon Wheel will remain accessible from the south.

Both closures are tentative and are subject to change due to weather and/or other unanticipated factors. We will continue to update this email list and alert road users via message boards.

The resulting facility will include improved drainage, a new roadway surface, bikeable shoulders on both sides of the road up to the “hogback” formation, and a five-foot wide climbing shoulder from the hogback up to Olde Stage Road.”


From our friends at BMA :

“Time for the rubber to hit the road. Most of you know what is going down in the West TSA. This is the access battle of a generation. According to Open Space Board of Trustees outgoing chair Bill Briggs, “It’s about more than bikes.” See:

We have surprisingly good support from some on council, and I remain optimistic that we can gain reasonable and responsible access to some trails in the West TSA, but city council needs to hear from you to dispel the myth that we are a bunch of adrenaline-fueled, speed junkies with no concern for our families, our environment, and our community. See this link for more details, including refutations of anti-bike arguments: We will continue to update this site as we generate more info.

Here’s what I need you to do:

1) Email and

tell city council that you support bike access on Anemone Hill and on a N/S connector trail . Tell them who you are, what you do for a living, why you love Boulder . Talk about your kids, talk about your desire to ride on trail without the use of a car, tell them why mountain biking is important to you. If you own a business, tell them how many people you employ, how much you contribute in sales taxes. Make your message personal, heartfelt, and above all – KEEP IT POSITIVE !!! If you know any council members personally, GIVE THEM A CALL !!!

2) If your letter to council is 300 words or under, consider sending it to the Daily Camera as a letter to the editor

. You must include your address and phone number to get a letter published.

3) Show up Tuesday, 3/15 , at 6pm at Boulder High School

to tell city council why bike access is important to you. Make no mistake, this meeting will be long, and there will be people there who hate bikes. But the world is run by those who show up, and we need to be there to make a difference! We’ve worked out a deal to have a staging ground at Reuben’s Burger Bistro so there will be a fine Belgian beer waiting for you…stay tuned for more details.

4 )Ask 10 of your friends

and/or colleague to do 1-3 above. Your personal ask will mean more than a BMA newsletter. A phone call or chat generates more follow through than an email (Sorry I haven’t had time to call you all, but I’m also calling council members, excuses, excuses…). Also, we all have those friends who love to ride but just aren’t political. If you are going to ask them to chime in only once in their lifetimes, this is that time. Let them know that.

5) Act as a ring leader

. We need you to reach out to your people 2-3 times between now and 3/15 to win this thing. We will email you with updates. Please email back if you are willing to act as a ring leader to your own crew.”

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