Written by: Marcus Berggren
                        Proud Boulder Flat Tire Club member  

Come on out to see cyclocross racing at it’s best. 

See http://www.dbcevents.com for all the info.   The races have secured the top cyclocross riders in the country.  It doesn’t get any better than this in the US.  Seriously.  You will be blown away.

It’s free and intensely exciting for fans.  Last year’s Boulder Cup was one of the best races Boulder has seen in a long time.  I can still hear the roar of the crowds in my dreams.  Folks, we’re talking over a 1000 people having a good time and cheering the fall winds away.  Oh yeah, there is beer there too.  If you have to miss one day then make sure you come out on the 4th. 

If you are not familiar with cyclocross check out some detail at:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyclo-cross 

Cyclocross in a nutshell is the most intense 60 minutes you can experience racing on a bike.  Seriously.  From the roar of the crowds to the full-on anaerobic “pain cave” experience, it is nothing short of dramatic.The take home lesson is this.  Come on out and see it for yourself.  It will leave you awed and energized to ride your bike more.  It is also a signal that we Boulder-ites and surrounding area cyclists are on the cusp of something big.  Cycling is just going to get bigger and garner much more support from the cities and it’s people.  This means more opportunity, awareness (motorists included) and fun on two wheels.

I sincerely hope all of you are having a great season on the bike.  There is still plenty more riding to come.

If you haven’t joined the Boulder Flat Tire Cycling Club yet, please look into it.  Be part of something big.  Be part of something you love.  Be part of something that will enhance the quality of your life for the rest of your life.  The club is growing and developing new ride leaders as we speak and it will continue to grow, not only as a cycling club, but an organization with a vested interest in fostering community and partnerships involved with bettering our world.  How can you resist?  The outer reaches of the universe is the limit.  Together we can make something unprecedented. 

Be sure to check out: http://www.dbcevents.com for all the information on the cyclocross races on Nov. 3rd and 4th.  It’s free and a very, very good time.

Be well, be safe, ride with a smile and never forget how lucky we all are to have cycling in our lives!

Note: Keep your eyes and ears open to upcoming information about this years Carter Lake Classic ride for Parkinson’s Research and Education.  I am shooting for this years event to host 1000 riders.  I am very proud to have the Boulder Flat Tire Cycling Club be a part of the event.   I hope to see you out there!

See you on the road!


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