Rides may be canceled or rescheduled for a variety of reasons. Please check the BCC Ride Calendar before you leave for the departure point. We try to post ride cancellation decisions on the Calendar up to one hour before the departure time as well as on our Facebook page and Twitter account. However, rides may be canceled right up to the time of departure or at any time during the ride if unsafe conditions develop.
Rides will be canceled if any of the following unpleasant or unsafe weather conditions are predicted for the time period of the ride by Accuweather.com hourly forecasts:
1) National Weather Service Red Flag Warnings;
2) Consistent wind speeds of over 20 mph or gusts of over 50 mph;
3) “RealFeel” temperatures of less than 40 degrees or greater than 100 degrees;
4) Thunderstorms.
A ride may turn back at any time due to poor weather conditions in the sole discretion of the Ride Ambassador. We also won’t ride if the roads are significantly wet at the start time. Mountain bike rides will be cancelled if trail conditions are poor even if the weather is warm and dry. Riding on wet trails can cause significant damage to them. We use BMA’s Trail Conditions as a primary guide.
Again, if you aren’t sure if a ride is going, consult the BCC Ride Calendar. However, since we are an all-volunteer club, there may be times when a cancellation may not get posted. Therefore, you can use the criteria above to decide if it is canceled. In addition, if you go to the departure point for a ride that has been canceled, you are free to ride with any other members who show up. However, the ride will not be an officially sanctioned Club ride, will not be covered by the Club’s insurance, and will not be guided by a Ride Ambassador. In this event, you ride at your own risk. Colorado weather can be very unpredictable and harsh. Its no fun to be caught in a hail storm.
Why We Use the AccuWeather.com RealFeel Temperature
The AccuWeather.com RealFeel temperature is an index that describes what the temperature really feels like. It is a unique composite of the effects of temperature, wind, humidity, sunshine intensity, cloudiness, precipitation and elevation on the human body–everything that affects how warm or cold a person feels.
Temperature by itself gives only part of the picture. Other measures, like the Wind Chill or Heat Index, include temperature and only one additional element like wind speed or humidity and many are designed to measure effects on an inanimate object or an unclothed person. None of them tells what it really feels like to an appropriately dressed person. Only The RealFeel Temperature includes everything that affects how warm or cold a person feels.
For example, on a steamy July day without a breath of wind, with the noon sun beating down, the official temperature (which is measured in the shade) may be 92 degrees. However, when you stand outside in the scorching sun, it may feel like 118 degrees. In contrast, when the official temperature is 92 degrees with a nice breeze blowing and low humidity, with bright sunshine but late in the day so the sun intensity is not as strong, it may feel like 86 degrees.